Chiropractic Treatment
Following your initial consultation, your chiropractor will utilize their clinical expertise alongside the most relevant evidence to establish a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs.
Chiropractors employ a range of treatments tailored to meet the individual needs and preferences of their patients. Among the most utilized methods are:
- Manual, hands-on therapy
- Activator Method
- Electronic modalities such as interferential current (IFC) and
shockwave therapy
- Customized therapeutic exercise programs
- Self-management tools and techniques, encompassing
positions for relief and pain coping strategies
- Comprehensive advice and education
A commonly employed technique in chiropractic practice is manual manipulation of the vertebrae in your spine or other joints, referred to as an "adjustment." During this procedure, your chiropractor will apply controlled force using their hands, guiding the joint through its range of motion. This approach aims to restore the natural movement of the joint, thereby enhancing its overall function.
When this method is applied to the spine, it is known as spinal manipulation therapy (SMT). Additionally, manipulation may be utilized on various other joints, including those in the wrist, ankle, or foot, serving as an effective treatment option.